The Church in Detroit

WHO ARE WE: The church in Detroit is brothers and sisters centered on Christ and the Bible. We stand on the ground that all regenerated Christians are one. For this reason we take no other name than the church. We pursue the subjective experiences of Christ together in the Word, in the gospel, and in the mutual care for each other. Our life of pursuing Christ is what we call “the church life.”

OUR COMMITMENT: Here in the church in Detroit, we feel the Lord has committed us with two main items. First, Jesus Christ is to be experienced. He is not meant to be merely knowledge, nor merely teachings. He is to be subjectively experienced. Second, these subjective experiences of Christ issue in a living together with other Christians in oneness, which is the living of the church, the Body of Christ.

OUR BELIEFS: The Bible is the inspired word of God. God is triune; He is uniquely one, yet at the same time, the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. God was incarnated, becoming a man, Jesus Christ. He died and shed His blood to accomplish redemption for our sins, and resurrected as the life-giving Sprit to regenerate us with the life of God. He ascended to the right hand of the throne of God as Lord and Christ. Today as the Spirit, He is building the church. One day He will return in glory. All who repent and believe on Him are saved and are regenerated (born-again) with the life of God.


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